Sunday 29 July 2018

Innovation competition IPTHO 2017

Tarikh              :           03 Oktober 2017 (Selasa)
Tempat            :           Dewan Seri Budiman, IPGK Tun Hussein Onn
Masa               :           8.30 pagi – 5.00 petang
             I think of giving up before, just because I am not confident with my product. After my friends give me opinion on my product, I start to think again. Why not just try? I am glad that I did not give up to participate in this innovation competition. At last, I won the third prize. My product is Oil Pastel Blender (OPB). It helps those who do not know how to blend two colour together. In this competition, I really learn a lot from others. Their products are so creative and innovative. It was a great experience for me.

Welcome to my OPB booth!

Actually it was quite nervous when i present

Thanks to my lovely roommate that give me lots of opinion and information! Love you roommate~

Glad that i got third prize in the competition~

And my roommate got the first prize!

Thanks for the lecturer that help me a lot.

Group photo for the competition

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