Wednesday 25 February 2015

Proses of apples =^.^=

The main apple at the center is done

The apple around it is done too

Add the blue background, then everything is done ^.^

I use colour pencil to draw these apple,
and this is also my first try to draw all the apples using colour pencil. 
I draw this base on a photo that i took at market.
Let's have a look at the real photo
This is the photo
*the camera of my phone is not good enough, so the photo is a bit blur >.<
 Hmm, this is not a perfect drawing
I will keep it up...
More apples coming soon ~^.^~

Monday 16 February 2015

Glad I Ams

I am

the eyes
that can see your face

the ears
that can listen to you
the mouth
that can talk to you

I am

the hand
that can hold your hand

the legs
that can  walk with you

I am
the body
with temperature

the heart
that can beat

 the new born baby
with her mum.

True love
(the story is so touching... can have a look at it.)

“Sacrifice may sound awful, but it is one of the purest ways to show love to someone. Saying “I love you” is good, and necessary; but, giving of yourself, time after time, is proof that you really mean what you say.”

there will be someone
told you that
he love u,
the one that really love you
will be with you
no matter what.

What we need,
is just accompany.
Don't blame your love one for getting sick,
he/she also want to be healthy.

When your love one is sick,
just take care of him,
with no complain... :)
~True love will never end~

Sunday 15 February 2015

Sad I Ams

 Image result for I am
 I am

Image result for loneliness
the loneliness
that everyone refuse in their heart,

Image result for truth
the truth
but sometimes people rather believe the lies,

 Image result for world of Achromatopsia

the colour
that Achromatopsia don't understand.

 Image result for I am
I am

 Image result for darkness
the darkness
while everyone waiting for the sun,

Image result for fake smile
the smile
after the slap in the face,

Image result for tear behind smile
the tear
behind the smiling face.

Saturday 14 February 2015

Apples falling down ~2~

Apples falling down (29/1/2015)

I used different type of technique to draw the apples and the hand
The hand represent the hands of our parents
that will always help us and accept us no matter how we are
For sure they will fetch us and take care of us when we fall down.
Daddy Mummy,
I love U

Apples ~1~

Apples (15/1/2015)

I used different type of media to draw the apples
colour pencil, crayon, pencil, pen and charcoal.
I like the charcoal most ^.^

Droplet on apple ~3~

Almost done...

Done ^0^

This is the first time i draw water droplet.
Is not perfect
but i love it
I will keep it up!
And do better next time...